Install Anaconda on Windows

Francis Edward del Rosario
3 min readMay 11, 2022

Anaconda® Distribution is a Python/R data science distribution that contains conda, a package and environment manager, which helps users manage a collection of over 7,500+ open-source packages available to them.

Here are the steps to follow for installing Anaconda:

  1. Download the Anaconda installer from

2. Verify the data integrity and compare the hash of the downloaded installer from Anaconda using PowerShell

Get-FileHash filename -Algorithm SHA256

3. Double-click the installer to launch or run from PowerShell (either will work fine)

4. Click Next

5. Read the licensing terms and click I Agree

6. Select an install for Just Me unless you’re installing for all users (which requires Windows Administrator privileges) and click Next

7. Select a destination folder (recommend leaving to default directory path with no spaces and unicode characters) to install Anaconda and click the Next button.

8. Confirm the adding Anaconda to the PATH environment variable is uncheck. It is recommended not adding Anaconda to the PATH environment variable, since this can interfere with other software. Instead, use Anaconda software by opening Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Prompt from the Start Menu

9. Click install

10. Click Next

11. Optional: Install PyCharm. To continue without installing PyCharm, click Next

12. After a successful installation, click Finish

After installation, run the Anaconda Navigator (anaconda3) from Start Menu

Select Jupyter Notebook and click Launch

Create a new python file

Rename the file and type:

print(“hello world”)

Click Run

Excellent! We have installed Anaconda and run our first program.


